Has anyone noticed the rise in numbers of slates in schools and homes lately? It seems the numbers are rising in schools and that families are also big users. While all the slates aren't iPads, a good proportion of them are. It's probably safe to say that the iPad has brought awareness of the benefits of the slate form factor to the fore. I'm pretty sure we reported Dr. Neil's excitement at being in the US on the day iPad was released. That excitement has only grown for the rest of us and it isn't contained to iPad. We've always loved the slate form factor, and have explored the capabilities of the devices for a few years now. The potential benefits are massive, particularly in education. Lately we've been putting our time into creating a new range of apps for iPad and Windows 7 touch devices. Our first two are designed for one or two participants, and they're designed to familiarise children with letters and numbers. With their parents, older siblings, or friends, they can put words and sums together and talk about what they're doing and learning. Because we wanted to keep things simple, we've named them simply, too. nsquared letters and nsquared numbers are both available in the App Store now, and we're looking forward to seeing our other apps become available for people to learn from.

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