Sunday, December 29, 2013

nsquared presenter for iPhone

download nsquared presenter for iPhone form the App Store

As a seasonal gift from nsquared we are happy to offer you the iPhone version of nsquared presenter for free.
With nsquared presenter for iPhone you can send images and movies directly to your digital tables, touch screens and presentation screens that are running nsquared presenter.
iPhone 5s running nsquared presenter
iPhone 5s running nsquared presenter
Download nsquared presenter for iPhone from here.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

You can send content from your iPad to nsquared presenter screens

The Apple iPad is found in many meeting rooms being clutched by individuals as their life support systems. The iPad contains their email, calendar, and a range of other important business documents. Yet in a meeting the iPad represents an isolating and personal device. With nsquared presenter digital tables, interactive touch screens and presentation screens can display content from an iPad to be shared with the group for discussion.
Here some examples of how people are using nsquared presenter and iPads:

  • A sales person keeps a range of product images on their iPad and shares the relevant images on a digital table with customers as required.
  • A sales team collates ideas from their personal devices to a digital table to create a new presentation.
  • Students collect research materials on their iPads and then gather around their digital table in the library to create group projects. 
  • A teacher shares question sheets from their iPad to the digital table for a group of students to discuss and answer.
  • A designer shares sketches from their iPad with clients around a touch table.
  • A project team share progress reports from their iPads to the digital table in their meeting room in their weekly status meetings.

Sharing content from iPad to digital tables using nsquared presenter

Monday, December 16, 2013

We are growing again!

With more and more digital tables being loved by our customers we are growing our team again. We need a salesperson and a graduate developer to join our team.
If you are looking for a challenging new role in a team that is intent on putting shared screen technology in more places then please get in touch.
We are recruiting a junior developer to help us with development of vision based solutions using technologies such as kinect.
We are also looking for an energetic young sales person that can help our team with customer interactions, product demonstrations and closing deals.

Both of our new team members will need be Australian citizens or hold Australian Permanent residency visas.

If you, or someone you know, are interested in joining nsquared please send us a cover letter and your resume to

Monday, December 9, 2013

You can load PowerPoint files with nsquared thoughts

PowerPoint files are everywhere in the workplace. PowerPoint is used to describe the financial position of a company, the sales pitch for a product, the concept for a new project, and countless other scenarios. With nsquared thoughts you can load those PowerPoint slide decks directly onto your digital table and annotate them as a group. Here some examples of how people are using nsquared thoughts and PowerPoint files:
  1. A sales team discusses how to improve existing presentations around their touch table.
  2. A sales person presents ideas to clients, the clients get involved with directly annotating the slides themselves
  3. A project team incorporates slides from a PowerPoint deck into a conversation involving other sketches on their digital table.
  4. A management team uses slides from their company vision PowerPoint deck to determine the validity of new project proposals.
  5. A financial team uses PowerPoint slides to discuss the quarterly results of their company subsidiaries at their digital table.
  6. An investment team discusses the different pitches they have heard each week and display the PowerPoint slides from each pitch on their table.