Monday, January 30, 2017

Design and Develop Apps for Surface Hub

In the second half of 2016, Dr. Neil, a director of nsquared, spent some time at Microsoft's headquarter office in Redmond, WA to present training in the design and development of apps for the Microsoft Surface Hub.

The Surface Hub has the potential to have a huge impact on the way we interact in office meetings. It is perhaps the ultimate window Microsoft has created; it is a portal to another room. Skype images appear high-quality and allow for natural conversation. Its touchscreen capabilities allow multiple users to interact with it like a simple whiteboard, a place to write up ideas and involve a group.

Designing for the Surface Hub presents its own set of challenges. How can it be accessible for all people, including those who may be in wheel-chairs, for example? How can multiple users interact with it effectively?

The work we have been doing at nsquared has provided a fantastic foundation to support the delivery of great Surface Hub apps. At nsquared we have been focused on building software for large multi-user interactive displays for over eight years. We know the value of large shared screen devices in public spaces and enterprise meeting rooms.

The lessons we have learned are shared and discussed in a series of training videos presented by Dr. Neil. From set-up, to design, to developing; these videos cover how to create great apps for Surface Hub. Presented with the help of Sankar Nemani and Jackie Giusti from Microsoft, they are essential viewing for prospective Surface Hub designers and developers. 

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